Vertex Ventures US
Vertex Ventures US

Senior Engineering Manager - Core GraphQL Team



Software Engineering, Other Engineering
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Posted on Monday, December 4, 2023

Hasura is looking for a Senior Engineering Manager to lead a highly technical team responsible for building the core abstractions and the GraphQL engine that powers Hasura.

In this position, you will be expected to lead the team and provide architectural guidance, mentorship, and hands-on contributions, as needed, to ensure the team delivers with quality and scalability. You will work closely with Hasura veteran engineers and architects on building complex features on the core product and helping execute the vision of making data access 10x easier by building easy to use, planet-scale, low-latency, reliable Cloud services. Also, you will be responsible for hiring and growing this team with the best talents in the industry.

Engineering organization in Hasura operates with a great deal of product ownership, each team closely aligned with top level business objectives. In this position, you will be an important partner to drive some key business and product goals.

GraphQL is changing the way developers & teams build software today. The Hasura GraphQL Engine is a Cloud tool that makes it fast and easy to compose a GraphQL API for secure data access across a range of data sources. This approach empowers application developers to rapidly create and iterate their applications thanks to the flexibility of GraphQL and automation of toilsome considerations like security, performance, resource footprint, and scalability.

Hasura is being adopted by developers in startups as well as some of the largest Fortune 500 companies. We are excited to be at the intersection of two major ecosystem trends that will have a profound impact on development workflows going forward and we are looking for amazing people who are as excited as we are to join us on this journey.

What the role will involve:

  • Team Leadership: Lead, mentor, grow and inspire a high-performing team of engineers with a focus on systems and platform development. Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.
  • Architectural Excellence: Provide architectural leadership and design input to ensure the development of scalable and reliable systems. Drive a strong emphasis on quality, performance, and maintainability.
  • Technical Expertise: Stay hands-on with the latest technologies and tools, setting an example for your team. Be a go-to resource for solving complex technical challenges.
  • Collaboration: Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including product management and other engineering teams, to define technical roadmaps, prioritize features, and deliver projects on time.
  • Project Management: Oversee project planning, execution, and delivery. Ensure that projects are completed within scope, budget, and schedule while meeting high-quality standards.
  • Mentorship: Coach and mentor engineers on the team, helping them develop their technical skills, and provide guidance in their career growth. Be an architect-type mentor.
  • Continuous Improvement: Drive the team to constantly improve processes, adopt best practices, and embrace new technologies to enhance system performance and maintainability.


  • Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science or a related technical field.
  • Management experience: 2+ years experience of managing highly technical teams, ideally focused on systems and platform development.
  • Software engineering experience: 4+ years of software engineering experience, ideally focused on systems and platform development.
  • Deep understanding of at least one systems programming language e.g. C/C++/Rust/GoLang
  • Demonstrated ability to design and architect complex software solutions, with a strong focus on quality and scalability.
  • Excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams and CXO level stakeholders.
  • Prior experience in startups or fast-paced tech environments is a plus.
  • Familiarity with cloud-native technologies, containerization, and orchestration is a strong advantage.


Bangalore, India

Working at Hasura:

At Hasura, we help developers go from zero to fully fledged modern apps, blazing fast. Through your work at Hasura, you will have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on both how Hasura is built as well as the larger developer ecosystem.
As a team, we take a lot of pride in our work. We obsess over the developer experience, and our first priority as a company will always be to make things easier for our users.

Perks of working at Hasura:

  • Remote & Hybrid Work Environment: Our team is spread across multiple countries, allowing for remote work or in-person collaboration at our office spaces in San Francisco and Bangalore. We believe in a flexible work model that caters to individual preferences and promotes effective teamwork.
  • Self-care Fridays: We offer the second Friday of every month as a day off. This time allows our employees to engage in activities that rejuvenate and recharge them personally.
  • Equipment and learning allowance: We have equipment and learning budgets to ensure that our employees have the necessary tools and resources to succeed in their roles. We invest in their growth and development by facilitating access to relevant learning opportunities.
  • Donation Matching: We have an annual donation matching fund to encourage and enhance team member donations to global organizations working towards equality & equity.
  • Flexible timings & PTO: Because of our asynchronous ways of working, our employees have the freedom and flexibility to set their work schedules ensuring adequate support and team coverage. This flexibility enables a healthy work-life balance, complemented by generous paid time off (PTO) options.


Even if you don’t fulfill 100% of the above requirements or are unsure whether this would be the right fit, we’d love to hear from you. We welcome any questions during the interview process that you may have about our culture, the kind of work we do and the process we employ to make it all come together.
If you are a person with a disability needing assistance with the application process, please contact ta@hasura.io or +1 833-690-2124.

About Hasura:

Hasura is a venture-backed open-source technology company that makes your data instantly accessible over a real-time GraphQL API, so you can build and ship modern apps and APIs faster. Hasura connects to your databases, REST servers, GraphQL servers and third party APIs (eg: Stripe, Salesforce) and provides a unified API across all your data sources.
We are a globally distributed team, with offices in San Francisco & Bangalore.
Hasura, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, or protected veteran status.


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